Best IVF and Surrogacy Center in India

IUI Treatment

Looking for the best place for IUI treatment in India? Our IVF and Surrogacy Center helps connect people with top-notch IUI centers, giving hope on their path to becoming parents.

The clinics we work with have fancy facilities, experienced fertility experts, and a good track record. IUI is a method where sperm is directly placed into the woman’s uterus during her fertile time, increasing the chances of getting pregnant. It’s a simple and affordable option, often recommended for couples facing issues like unexplained infertility or minor male fertility problems. Trust us to help you on your journey to starting a family.

What is IUI treatment?

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment where specially prepared sperm is directly injected into the uterus. The process involves washing the sperm, selecting the healthiest ones, and placing them in the woman’s uterus, increasing the chances of pregnancy. IUI is a less invasive option for couples facing fertility challenges.

When is IUI performed for pregnancy?

IUI is recommended when there are abnormal semen parameters, issues with cervical mucus, or difficulties with the male partner ejaculating sperm inside the woman. It helps bypass potential barriers, placing sperm closer to the egg for improved fertilization chances.

Why is IUI done?

IUI is used for endometriosis, cervical issues, unexplained infertility, male infertility, and when using donor sperm. It’s a straightforward and effective method to enhance conception.

IUI treatment procedure

  1. Ovarian Stimulation: Fertility medication stimulates ovulation, producing more eggs.
  2. Ovulation Monitoring: Timing for IUI is determined through ultrasound and blood tests.
  3. Sperm Preparation: The sperm sample undergoes a wash, removing less viable cells.
  4. Insemination: Prepared sperm is gently injected into the uterus through a small catheter.
  5. Post-procedure Care: Rest and avoiding strenuous activities after IUI.

IUI treatment cost in India

Costs range from INR 5,000 to INR 10,000 per cycle. Factors like medication, tests, and follow-up visits influence the overall cost. IUI is more affordable than other fertility treatments.

Is IUI included in insurance coverage?

Some insurance plans cover infertility treatments like IUI. It’s essential to check policy terms, inclusions, and limitations before purchase.

Success rate of IUI

Success rates vary based on factors like age and the cause of infertility. On average, it ranges from 10% to 20% per cycle, with up to 80% success after six cycles. Success decreases with age.

Is IUI procedure painful?

IUI is generally not painful. Some may experience mild discomfort during the catheter insertion, similar to menstrual cramps. Providers use lubrication and relaxation techniques for comfort.

About Us

Our IVF and Surrogacy Center, situated in the capital city of India, New Delhi, stands as a leading and highly successful provider of surrogacy services. Recognized as the premier surrogacy clinic/hospital in India, our organization has been unwaveringly committed to the vision of bringing life into the world through surrogacy. We offer couples not only the most advanced technical support but also moral, emotional, and ethical guidance, all aimed at helping them realize their dream of starting a family at the most affordable cost of surrogacy in India.


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Altruistic Surrogacy Treatment is Legal in India.

Eligible Intended Parents have successfully got legal permissions to do surrogacy treatment with willing altruistic Intended surrogate mother.

To do your surrogacy treatment legally, please contact us by filling up the form.

Please visit to understand the legal process for doing surrogacy in India.